Joey, you make some very good points including the danger of believing Watchtower dogma such as not having blood transfusions.
It's a smug and deluded life you lead if you are a JW.
What I am thinking now is regarding the whole matter of Christian belief; that it should still exist at all! And with such respect by both people and politicians and go unchallenged in this age of instant internet information. A serious secular study on the origins of the Bible easily exposes its unholy fusion of pagan belief masquerading as divine light.
The premises on which religious belief is drawn are intellectually indefensible. Yet religious culture is proving to be a very large sea-going tanker which will take time and distance to turn around. Better if it sank!
By passive acceptance and respect for this childish mode of thinking and living we are also enshrining the right to religious fundamentalism and will reap a whirlwind from it.
It would be possible to recognize that the religious stories are just moralising folk tales and be done with them, existing as part of our collective heritage. Yet to do so ignores the existence of beliefs which radicalise religion by taking the text as sacred and inerrant and killing others as part of divine worship.
If governments were to sanction fundamentalists blind, emotive and socially pressured injunction to conform, it would make a for a formidable army of holy warriors to be waged against the unbelievers as is happening inside Islam notably in Iraq with ISIS. This political dimension of religious belief is a significant threat to all of us. It is religious idealism placed above the value of human with JWs and blood transfusion.
Fortunately in the West, especially in western Europe, democracy has generally pushed religious imperatives into the background and religious "belief" as of the 21st century is statistically on the wane even in USA.
To be a Jehovah's Witness is to be radicalized.
Even though not overtly political, (from the GB's perspective it most certainly is political in the sense of controlling eight million followers) the JW permits his or her brain to be 'rewired' to conform to the cult mentality. It is a similar process for all fundamentalists; a blind hope in a supernatural resolution to human problems.
Belief in holy books and their interpreters is not only ignorant and naive but very dangerous.